The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme."

For project


Project objectives

The overall objective of the project is to develop a sustainable system of measures, including stimulation of business creation and strengthen the factors affecting entrepreneurial success in the cross-border area of Bulgaria and Greece. The main project objective fully corresponds with the focus of Priority Axis 01 of the Programme namely, to create an innovative and competitive cross-border area.

The project „InnoWave“ is implemented within The Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020"

PA 1: A Competitive and Entrepreneurship Promoting Cross-Border Area

Specific objective 22-1-3a-1: To Improve entrepreneurship SME support systems
MIS Code: 5070630
Implementation period: April 2021 – April 2023

Project idea

The overall objective of the project is to develop a sustainable system of measures, including stimulation of business creation and strengthen the factors affecting entrepreneurial success in the cross-border area of Bulgaria and Greece. The main project objective fully corresponds with the focus of Priority Axis 01 of the Programme namely, to create an innovative and competitive cross-border area.

Difficulties in obtaining business finance.

Limited access to general information and contacts.

Lack of access regarding cost saving technologies.

Limited access to business know-how.

Lack of support services for developing competitive products-services.

Lack of capacity to generate innovation.

Two specific project objectives are distinguished:

On the one hand the project partners have decided to overcome the obstacles in front of new businesses formation by conduction of series of measures for raising awareness of the entrepreneurs on relevant topics. All the actions will acquaint the participants with the specific requirements and regulations for business creation in both countries, with the most appropriate spheres for business development and with the needed conditions for successful business formation. On the other hand, a series of events that will contribute to the long-term success of the existing businesses are envisaged. All the events will grab the attention of the entrepreneurs for the new tendencies in the business development, will make a sustainable connection between the enterprises in the cross-border region, will stimulate the dialogue between the business and between the business and the scientific organization in the area, will increase the awareness for existing financial institutions and schemes.

Project results:

Expected results from the project implementation

47 events organized and conducted

40 new enterprises supported

Over 700 individuals (entrepreneurs or future ones) participating in the events.

160 people underwent training

160 people received consulting assistance

Project activities:

The activities are arranged in Work packages (WP). WP1 will involve activities related to project organization, implementation and monitoring. WP2 involves all the activities related to information and publicity of the project. A set of measures is envisaged (printed materials, press releases, etc.) in compliance with the Information and Publicity Guidebook.  WP3 includes 2 activities - an interactive web-platform “Inno wave” will be developed and implemented by an external supplier selected by the LB; acquisition of laptops for each partner for the conduction of all events. WP4 includes various types of events stimulating the creation of new businesses and encouraging the development and innovation for the existing ones. WP5 consists of innovative events and trainings aimed at establishing sustainable collaboration between business and science, as well as developing of specific business skills.

Project Beneficiaries

Lead beneficiary


Project beneficiary 3




Gotse Delchev, Targovska 41 str.
+359 878 37 00 56

This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of Center for Promoting Entrepreneurship Association and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.
